
Some of the Faculty and Staff from the early 80's are still teaching at Bromfield, though many have retired.

W. Raymond Ackerman Music
Dorothy Andrews Chm., Science Dept.
Carol Batchelder English
Mary Benson Physical Education
Betty Bergendahl Nurse
George Bernauer Chm., Foreign Lang Dept
Donald Blood Chm. Practical Arts Dept
Judith Boyce Lang Arts, Science
Eugene Brogan Industrial Arts
Joan Brunnick Special Needs
Alice Brunton Art
Robert Buckley English
Mary-Julie Castro-Castellanos Foreign Language
Julia Chadwick Language Arts
Howard Chansky Chm. Fine Arts Dept
Kathleen Coleman English
Pablo Cruz Commercial Subjects
Dennis DeGara Mathematics
Madeline D'Errico Music
Carole Donlop Conselor/Psycholgist
Jane Evans Home Economics
Dennis Flynn Superintendent
Thomas Flynn Math, Athletic Dir.
Robert Foss Custodian
Judith Fuller Physical Education
Norman Gallagher Spanish
A. Ronald Gaumond Chm. Mathematics Dept
Russell Goodman Science
Ruth Gorss Art
Victoria Gould Library Secretary
Nancy Graham Secretary
Mitchell Grosky English
Rachel Guild Cafeteria
Pamela Henshaw Secretary
Thomas Hill Physical Education, Social Studies
Alwin Hophmann Science
Michael Horgan Principal
Pamela Hudson Special Needs Instructor
Stephen Jackson Director, Pupil Personnel Serv
Paul Johnston Facilities Manager
Delma Josephson Home Economics
Doris Kerr Aide
Phyllis Konop Music, Instrumental
Judith Laino Title I Tutor
Susan Larson Mathematics
Halston Lewis Social Studies
Howard Levine History
Rory Liebmann Director Special Needs Program
Richard Maki Science
James McBride Chm. Phys. Ed., Biology
John McCrossan Mathematics
Michael McGarty English, French, Theatre
Stephanie Moran Special Needs Instructor
Robert Pantanella Physical Education
Gloria Pendrake Cafeteria Director
Angela Piccolo Foreign Languages
Anu Pirn Aide
David Poitras Maintenance Person
Linda Preissell Librarian, Media Specialist
Antoinette Purdy Guidance Secretary
Shirley Quist Bookkeeper, Secretary
Mary Beth Richard Special Needs Tutor
Virginia Schwartz Nurse
Harry Scribner Custodian
Mary Louise Spash Social Studies
Thomas Stanley Assistant Principal, Mathematics
David Stocking Chm., English Dept.
Janet Taylor Guidance Counselor
Marcia Taylor Special Needs Secretary
Gilbert Tremblay English
Theresa Waite Cafeteria
Bonnie Waldron Tutor/Aide, Cambodian Proj.
Lawrence Weathers Chemistry
Joseph Weaver Science
Kathryn West Cafeteria
James Wheeler Chm., Social Studies Dept.
Allen Wright Mathematics
Reesa Yarkin Speech Therapist
Webmaster, JC Fergusen - | Design/content updates, Kim Mason -
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